Grate to see that you enjoy our local rivers. Impressive kayaking and nice film/pics. Hope you are aware of the risk of spreading Gyrodactilus Salaris and do disinfection of kayaks and equipment. Skibotn and Signaldalen is infected, but Tamok is still clean. If new rivers get Gyro we as paddlers is the first to be nailed to the wall, so it is important to take it serious...
Some links about Gyro:
Disinfection is done easily by washing kayaks and gear in light chlorine water or in seawater.
Thanks for the comment, I forgot to mention about this in my blog story even we knew this ourselves - I'll add it over here as well. We have the same problem over here in Finland - Gyrodactylus Salaris lives in the Tornio river but not in the Teno for example. One of us is btw going to offer a story to Kayak Session about those rivers, it's good to mention about the parasite in that story as well. Great rivers you have :D
Kiitos kiitos, mutta tällä kertaa videon editoi Miku :)
VastaaPoistaHienoa jälkeä joka tapauksessa :D
VastaaPoistaGrate to see that you enjoy our local rivers. Impressive kayaking and nice film/pics.
VastaaPoistaHope you are aware of the risk of spreading Gyrodactilus Salaris and do disinfection of kayaks and equipment. Skibotn and Signaldalen is infected, but Tamok is still clean. If new rivers get Gyro we as paddlers is the first to be nailed to the wall, so it is important to take it serious...
Some links about Gyro:
Disinfection is done easily by washing kayaks and gear in light chlorine water or in seawater.
Thanks for the comment, I forgot to mention about this in my blog story even we knew this ourselves - I'll add it over here as well. We have the same problem over here in Finland - Gyrodactylus Salaris lives in the Tornio river but not in the Teno for example. One of us is btw going to offer a story to Kayak Session about those rivers, it's good to mention about the parasite in that story as well. Great rivers you have :D